Our Weekly Letter

Previous Weekly Letters

Hello there

Hope you all are counting the days until Spring Break!!  We had a wonderful time in Florida and our groups that went on the Big Red Boat cruise had a great time!!  We also had a terrific contest at the Midwest Dance and Pom this past weekend with teams from Oklahoma and Kansas.  You can view the contests results here.

I had a great time as a guest judge at the Contest of Champions presented by Four Seasons Tours in Orlando.  Debbie Hyman Nordstrom,  from Houston, is the contest director and along with Disney....they really put on a great show!  There were terrific teams from Texas, Utah, California, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin and more!! 

This weekend we are off to San Antonio and Galveston, one of our largest contests of the season.  Best of luck to all the participating teams!  We are now happy to announce that the contest schedules are posted on our web site.  Keep in mind that any changes that are called in will not be updated on the web site.  If you need a map or directions to these contest sites, you can find them here.

Deidra Robertson, a great friend in the business from Burnet sent me the cute "Millennium Proverbs" listed below.  For all of us who live on the computer...it hits home! 

Joyce E. Pennington, Pres. CEO
American Dance/Drill Team
and the ADTS office staff


1. Home is where you hang your @.

2. The e-mail of the species is more deadly than the mail.

3. A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click.

4. You can't teach a new mouse old clicks.

5. Great groups from little icons grow.

6. Speak softly and carry a cellular phone

7. C:\ is the root of all directories.

8. Oh, what a tangled website we weave when first we practice.

9. Pentium wise, pen and paper foolish.

10. The modem is the message.

11. Too many clicks spoil the browse.

12. The geeks shall inherit the earth.

13. There's no place like home

14. Don't byte off more than you can view.

15. Fax is stranger than fiction.

16. What boots up must come down.

17. Windows will never cease.

18. Virtual reality is its own reward.

19. Modulation in all things.

20. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; Teach him to use the Net
and he won't bother you for weeks!!!


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Copyright © 2006

Photos courtesy of Curtain Call Costumes© 2007 Simone Associates
Curtain Call Costumes is the official provider for the ADTS® Staff & Jr/Sr All American® Team.
Be sure to visit their website at www.curtaincallcostumes.com