Thank you for requesting an application for the AMERICAN DANCE/DRILL TEAM® STAFF. We have included some data that will help familiarize you more with the application as well as our company. After reading the data sheet, completing your application form and other information, you will be contacted by our office sometime in April to set up a personal interview or phone interview. 

In March and April of each year, it is determined how many positions will be available on our staff in the areas of expertise needed as well as region of the country. AMERICAN DANCE/DRILL TEAM® prides itself in the finest instructional staff in the country. We search to find the experts in each area of dance/drill team to compromise a well balanced staff. We look for expertise in the areas of JAZZ, KICK, MILITARY, POM PON, NOVELTY, LYRICAL, MODERN, HIP HOP, LARGE AND SMALL PROPS, as well as marching, parade and stand routines, junior drill teams, pep squads, tap, ballet, and private camp instruction.

STAFF ASSISTANT: The "Staff Assistants" for American Dance/Drill Team® are comprised of the most outstanding dance/drill team members that have completed their senior year in high school. It is preferred, yet not required, that your major field be dance/education, or some type of dance related field in college. Staff Assistants assist the Instructional Dance Staff and act as an "apprentice" during this first year. They have minimal teaching responsibilities, yet play an important contributory roll on our staff. 

INSTRUCTIONAL DANCE STAFF:  The "Instructional Dance Staff" is comprised of experts in the dance/drill team field that have completed at least their freshman or sophomore year in college. Most will hold a degree in Dance or Education or have professional dance training or performance background. 

SALARY AND EXPENSES: Although our salary schedules are confidential and will be discussed during your personal interview, you will find that our beginning salary is one of the most fair in the industry. All travel to camps, contest and dance workshops will be paid for if over 75 miles one way or will be provided by ADTS®. American Dance/Drill Team® provides all round trip travel expenses as well as daily meal per diem or meal tickets for meals.

We also have company vehicles that are used to transport staff to some out of town destinations. Although we try not to schedule our staff away from home for more than two straight weeks, we will offer hotel/dorm accommodations while away from home. Each "custom" choreographed routine receives extra salary supplement. Each staff member is considered contract labor and is not provided with workman's compensation, unemployment, nor any other benefits. 

There will not be any deductions made for staff paychecks for FICA nor any other withholding. This will be the responsibility of each staff member to take care of at tax filing time. 

$200 per 3 or 4 day work week for STAFF ASSISTANTS, $225+ per 3 or 4 day work week for college level INSTRUCTIONAL DANCE STAFF, $275 for college graduate

INSTRUCTIONAL DANCE STAFF. Camps with less than 3 days are paid according to percentage of work time.

SALARY SUPPLEMENTS: $100 per high school custom field routine; $200 for high school custom contest routine. $50 per junior custom field routine, $100 for junior custom contest routine added to salary after typed notes are submitted.

RAISES: Each staff member is reviewed prior to each summer and awarded raises on a merit basis according to efficiency, dependability, courtesy, enthusiasm, skill, and willingness to work.

MEALS/PER DIEM: Each instructor will be issued either a campus meal ticket or "per diem" for meals while teaching on the road. If you are staying at your home, you will not be paid per diem. Daily per diem is $25 ($6 breakfast, $8 lunch, $11 dinner)

MILEAGE: Each staff member that travels at least 50 miles one way, will be re-imbursed at the rate of 30¢ per mile. If any travel under 50 miles one way becomes excessive, mileage will be considered. If a staff member can car pool other staff with them to an event, we will re-imburse $25 per extra round trip passenger, and $12.50 for each one way passenger. If a staff member chooses to travel alone due to personal commitments, and not car pool, they may be only re-imbursed for 50% of round trip mileage.

PAYCHECKS: Checks are usually issued at the conclusion of camp and/or when supplies are returned to the office.

TRAVEL/TRANSPORTATION: Decisions on mode of travel will be decided by the office. If the instructor cannot meet the ADTS® vehicle, it may be his/her responsibility to meet at the camp destination. Mileage is paid at .30 cents per mile if traveling over 50 miles one way. Air travel will be booked through the ADTS® office. If you cancel a camp that you were assigned and flying, you will be responsible for payment of the airline ticket if it is non-refundable and if it has already been booked.

STAFF TRAINING: There are three phases training weekends designated for staff training. Phase I is for staff captains training (only the staff captains are required to attend this phase. Staff captains are veteran staff members) . There, new procedures, changes, and ideas will be exchanged as well as band music issued to Staff Captains. At Phase II, we have regional
choreography meetings held in Dallas, Austin/San Antonio, Houston, East Texas, Olathe, KS, and Louisiana. This is where staff members get together and "team choreograph" routines for summer camp. Phase III staff training held in Salado, Texas where our offices are headquartered, routines are taught and guest choreographers are brought in to stimulate new ideas, all of the staff is required to attend this phase. On Saturday the entire staff will meet in the morning and teaching begins. Throughout the weekend, seminars, workshops, more choreography and video taping of routines is done. All flights and air fares will be booked by the ADTS® office.  

STAFF UNIFORMS: Each year the dance staff is issued dancewear, staff bags, staff shirts, staff sweatshirt, etc. to be worn to all ADTS® camps. It is each individual instructor's responsibility to purchase their own black dance pants and accessories and replace any lost or damaged items at their own expense. If for any reason the instructor cannot fulfill her summer commitment, she must return the uniform items issued. All new dance staff and staff assistants will be required to return their ADTS® laundered dancewear, warm-ups, bag, etc to the office at the end of the summer.

WORK LOAD: A new instructor can expect to work approximately 2 to 4 camps. As the summer progresses and the instructors' competence and leadership skills are observed and evaluated, additional camps may be added and salary upgrades are considered. If instructors are willing to teach junior and private camps, this will increase the possibilities of their work load. It is ideal to have alternative part time work if you are dependent on summer

*This is just a brief summary of ADTS® company policies and rules.
If hired you will receive a detailed Staff Handbook.

For all staff questions, email

We have 2 separate applications for instructional dance staff and for staff assistants.  
Please make sure you are submitting the correct form based on the profile described below.

Applications are due by March 15th to be considered for a position. 

Online Instructional Dance Staff Application The "Instructional Dance Staff" is comprised of experts in the dance/drill team field that have completed at least their freshman or sophomore year in college.

Online Staff Assistant Application

The "Staff Assistants" for American Dance/Drill Team® are comprised of the most outstanding dance/drill team members that have completed their senior year in high school and will be graduating in May.

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