Our Weekly Message for October 22, 2003

Greetings special friends,

I hope that this message finds you enjoying life to the fullest. It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of regular football season and half of the teams will be soon headed towards play-off games. If you are needing an extra routine for half-time or pep rally, you can select from over 200 routines on video with our Video Routine Kits.

Here are some thoughts for the day from "Bits and Pieces":

"Working together works!" author unknown

"I am not a has been. I'm a will be." Lauren Bacall

The Champion's Creed
"I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed. And, the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep trying!" Tom Hopkins

"The errors to avoid are those that eliminate opportunities to try again."  Lazar Goldberg

"Your mental energy is limited by your physical energy. How do you develop more energy of all kinds? You start by putting your body in top physical condition. Unless you do that, all your other activities won't help much - you'll be stuck with the mental and emotional energy that you have now." -- Tom Hopkins

In the coming weeks, look ahead to a special announcement from us regarding the Kilgore College Rangerettes, called "Rangerette Revelations." We are excited about this new endeavor and will have more information in next week's message.

Family unity is something so treasured for everyone. There is a family type unit in every dance/drill team including the love, tears, joys, sadness, jubilation and dissension that goes with any family unit. Below is a special passage that I saw framed in the home of Linda Fountain, our special friend at ATS Travel that passed a way a few years back from cancer. It is one that can be adapted to apply to your team as well as your family.

Have a wonderful week. And, as always, please keep in touch! 


Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®


In this home....

In this home
We believe in living deeply,
Laughing often and loving always.
We believe we were brought together
To support and care for each other.
We believe in celebrating together
Our faith, our heritage,
Our traditions.

We believe that everyone's feelings count
And that the uniqueness of each of us
Strengthens all of us.
We believe
in the power of forgiveness to heal
And the power of love
To carry us through.
We believe in one another,
in this family.

Author unknown

Here is the revised version for your team:

On this team . . .

On this team
We believe in living deeply,
Laughing often and loving always.
We believe we were brought together
To support and care for each other.
We believe in celebrating together
Our faith, our heritage,
Our traditions.

We believe that everyone's feelings count
And that the uniqueness of each of us
Strengthens all of us.
We believe
in the power of forgiveness to heal
And the power of love
To carry us through.
We believe in one another,
on this team.

Author unknown


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Copyright © 2001-2002

Model photos from the 2000-2001, 2001-2002 Curtain Call Costumes Performance Catalog.
Curtain Call Costumes is the official provider for the ADTS® Staff & Jr/Sr All American® Team.
Be sure to visit their website at www.curtaincallcostumes.com