Our Weekly Message for April 14, 2004

Greetings special friends,

We are off to the Dance/Drill Team Directors of America national convention in Dallas this week. We look forward to seeing many of you there. It is great seeing special directors, vendors and talented performers on the All Star team.

Here are some special thoughts for the day:
"Teamwork is a constant balancing act between self-interest and group interest." Susan M. Campbell, consultant and writer
"Faultfinding without suggestions for improvement is a waste of time."
Ralph C. Smedley (1875-1965) founder of Toastmasters
"Failure is an event, never a person." William D. Brown
"As I think back and look forward, I see how nothing is unambiguous; nothing is without risk. Salvation does not come through simplicities."
A. Bartlett Giamatti (1938-1989) educator and baseball executive

Camp time is just around the corner. If you are looking for private instruction for your team, visit our ADTS Private Camps page and request a customized bid for
your private camp at your school. The 2004 Summer Camp brochure has been mailed to our client list. If you are a director and would like to receive a copy, send us your name and school mailing address. You can also resource all the information for summer camps on our ADTS Summer Camps page. Individual students that want to sharpen their skills, make sure to check out the cutting edge Jazz Camps this summer.

April 23-May 2nd will be National Dance Week. Their theme this year is "Put it on the line for dance." For more information, visit their web site at NATIONAL DANCE WEEK 2004.

All of us experience burnout at one time or another. Below is a special passage on burnout that might help you regenerate your 'engines' and approach your position in a different light.

I wish you a fabulous week and, as always, please keep in touch.

Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Teamฎ


Be Aware of Positive Burnout

Burnout is a major topic of conversation in the business world. We discuss it, dread it, and have theories about why it exists. Estimates are that seven out of ten of us feel burned out at any given time, and virtually everyone will experience burnout at some point in their career. The most common reaction to burnout, however, is our fear surrounding it. We worry and wonder, When will it happen to me?

But have you ever stepped back far enough to see the positive side of burnout? Often, burnout is a signal that something new, exciting, and profitable is just around the corner! After all, why would you make major changes in your life in the absence of these types of feelings? You probably wouldn't. If you always felt great about your career and current direction, you may spend the rest of your life doing the very same thing.

There was a time in my life when I thought I was going to make it as a professional Tennis player. Yet after many years of aches and pains, as well as some noticeable shortcomings in my game, I began to feel burned out. Had it not been for these feelings, I surely would have continued on the same path, which included a great deal of struggle, frustration, and little chance of major success. If not for my burnout, I would have been missing out on a great education and a personally fulfilling career. As I look back on my life, I can see that virtually every positive fork in the road was preceded by a certain degree of burnout. And in retrospect, it was all positive burnout.

The point here is that it's not all necessary to freak out or worry when you feel burned out. Instead, try to keep things in perspective. Remember that negative feelings can be deceptive. Often they are positive signals disguised as negative feelings. As you worry less, two things will happen. First, you'll discover that most burnout is nothing more than a bad mood taken to seriously. If you don't worry to much about it, it will probably go away and you'll regain your enthusiasm for your work in a short period of time. Second, the less you worry about burnout, the less energy you give it, the clearer you will be about any needed changes in your life. In other words, you'll know what to do.

Worry gets in the way of your wisdom and common sense. As you let go of fear, as you investigate your feelings of burnout, you may discover that your feelings are trying to tell you something, point you in a new direction, redirect your energy-or something else that is positive in nature. As you learn to trust your inner resources by letting go of fear, you'll discover that your wisdom will tell you exactly what you need to be doing at any given point in your life. Try putting a positive slant on your feelings of burnout and watch them fade away.

author unknown


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Copyright ฉ 2006

Photos courtesy of Curtain Call Costumesฉ 2007 Simone Associates
Curtain Call Costumes is the official provider for the ADTSฎ Staff & Jr/Sr All Americanฎ Team.
Be sure to visit their website at www.curtaincallcostumes.com