Greetings special friends,
is hard to believe that Easter is upon us. I hope
that each of you pause to ponder this special time
of year and the joy that springtime brings to each
of us.
Here are some thoughts for the day:
"No revenge is more honorable than the one not
taken." Spanish proverb
"Act locally, but think globally." Rene Dubos
(1901-1982) educator and environmentalist
"Never measure your generosity by what you give,
but rather by what you have left."
Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979) clergyman
"One of the strongest characteristics of genius is
the power of lighting its own fire." John Foster
Summer camps are right around the corner and we
are excited that the new Jazz Camp registration
forms are posted on the ADTS Summer Camps page.
These camps are focused towards individuals who
want to sharpen their skills at a summer camp
program. There are three commuter camps and one
new Elite Jazz Camp offered at the University of
Texas in Austin. Space is limited at each of the
camps since 'one on one' attention is our focus.
Make sure to register early.
Directors, the 2004 Summer Camp Brochure was
mailed today. Check your mail boxes in the coming
days for The Line with valuable information on
Summer Camps.
It is empowering to know how much that a small
gesture can make a dramatic difference in
someone's life. We never know whose lives we touch
so dramatically with our own actions. There are
two short quizzes below that will certainly allow
you to focus on the difference you can make in
someone else's life. Make sure to take the time to
reflect on the outcome of your quiz.
Have a wonderful, safe, Easter weekend, and, as
always, please keep in touch.
Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill