Our Weekly Message for February 11, 2004

Greetings special friends,

Happy Valentine's Day this weekend. We will be celebrating this special day with our contests in South Padre Island and at Kilgore College benefiting Rangerette scholarships. You can see schedules by linking to our Main Page of our web site.

Here are some thoughts for the day:
"I am not a teacher, but an awakener."
Robert Frost (1874-1963) poet
"Cynicism is knowing the price of everything but the value of nothing."
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) playwright
"Sometimes it is worse to win a fight than to lose."
Billie Holiday (1915-1959) singer
"Compromise makes a good umbrella but a poor roof."
James Russell Lowell (1819-1891) editor and poet

Many of you, even in the midst of contest season, are planning ahead to officer and team tryouts. Make sure to resource our Education Support Page for many helpful articles. Also, resource over 200 past weekly messages in the ADTS Archives with motivational quotes and articles.

We always could use some helpful advise, for the good times and not so good times. Below is an article by Wally Amos, from the Famous Amos cookies. There is some very straight forward advise that can apply to all of us. It certainly was inspiring to me today.

Have a wonderful week, Happy Valentine's Day and a blessed day every day; and, as always, please keep in touch.


Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®


Some Good Rules for Bad Times
by Wally Amos
from Famous Amos Cookies

During the past four years of my life, I've been in debt. I've been sued. I've lost my name and had creditors calling me every day. This is how I got

PATIENCE: I've learned that it really is a virtue, especially if you're involved in a lawsuit. The wheels of justice grind slowly, and there's nothing you can do to hurry them.

ACCEPTANCE: Don't become part of the problem. I have a friend who was chairman of a $4 billion company when the board fired him. He started listing all of his options for the future. He didn't waste a second. In very short order, his life moved in another direction. He's happier than ever. Once you accept, you can get on to solutions.

FOCUS: When I started Famous Amos, I was so focused, I got it done in five months. Then I let my focus get diffused. I was all over the place when I should have been concentrating. I've learned to focus on starting my new company. The Rev.Robert Schuller once told me that the three important things are


FAITH is intertwined with focus. I believe strongly in a right outcome: It might not be the outcome I want, but I believe it will be the right one for me. ("When God closes a door, He opens a window.")

COMMITMENT: When you say "I will" with conviction, magic begins to happen. I was committed to creating a new life for myself. Commitment kept moving me on from one point to the next.

ENTHUSIASM: It is the wellspring of life. It is contagious. Many times I walked into a situation where there was gloom in the room, and I walked in with a joyful attitude, a cookie and a smile and was able to change the whole energy. You do that by being enthusiastic.

POSITIVE ATTITUDE: It's your mental attitude that creates the results in your life. I went through the lawsuit for 19 months. When it started, I was lying on the floor with them steamrolling over me. But I had my attitude in tact. It just kind of steers you in the direction of looking for solutions.

BE GIVING: I have not allowed my troubles to keep me from being involved with Literacy Volunteers of America and Cities in Schools, or from visiting the Boys Clubs and Girls Clubs. I believe good things have happened because I continued to give.

HONESTY and INTEGRITY: You must be positively consistent in what you say, think and do. That sends a clear picture to people of who you are. People believe you and want you to succeed and do what they can to assist.


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Photos courtesy of Curtain Call Costumes© 2007 Simone Associates
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