Our Weekly Message for January 28, 2004

Greetings special friends,

I hope that all of you are staying warm with the Arctic Freeze that has swept across the country. We are into our 3rd week of competition and seeing some fantastic performances. Make sure to watch for the 2004 Contest Results on our ADTS Contest Page starting next week.

Here are some thoughts for the day:
"By your thoughts you are daily, even hourly, building your life; you are
carving your destiny." Ruth Barrick Golden
"You will always break the bow if you keep it always stretched."
Phaedrus (c. 15 B.C. -50 A.D.) Fabulist
"Our real values are expressed in our actions, in what we do and how we do
it." Robert Rabbin, business consultant and writer
"If you don't have wrinkles, you haven't laughed enough."
Phyllis Diller, comedian
I had a special request to bring back "You know you're a dance/drill teamer if...." so here it is below. Hope you have a wonderful week, and, as always, please keep in touch!

Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®


You know you're a dancer/drill teamer if...

1. Your furniture in your room is arranged to create the largest open space
as possible.

2. You get upset when all you can find at Disneyworld is a CHEERLEADER Minnie.

3. You pop out of your chair and start dancing to the theme songs of

4. You critique the technique of dancers you see on TV or in other

5. Even if you are terrible at math, counting to eight is no problem for you.

6. You are planning on, or have already bought stock in bobby pins.

7. You have an entire drawer filled with old costumes and practice clothes.

8. If seated, you cannot listen to music without mentally choreographing a
routine in your head.

9. You can apply full dark make-up in five minutes (Bonus points if you can
do it while seated in the back seat of a moving bus).

10. Hallways are always a place to practice leaps.

11. You own more leotards than formal gowns.

12. You can fix anything with safety pins.

13. You look at street clothes and see possibilities for practice outfits.

14. A broken toe is more than an inconvenience.

15. Dance merchandise and costume catalogues are captivating reading material.

16. Seeing someone do the splits does not send you into shock.

17. Stretching is not just something you do for a few seconds when you roll
out of bed in the morning.

18. You do not think "Capezio" is an Italian pasta dish.

19. "Dancing" is the one of the first items you write down when asked to list
your hobbies.

20. You have, at one point or another, found a pair of lyrical sandals, tap
screws, etc in your purse or wedged in the back seat of your car.

21. Your parents/roommate yell at you to "Come watch this!" when a dance show
is on TV.

22. Nine out of ten of your t-shirts are from dance/drill team events.

23. You know exactly who Gussie Nell Davis is.

24. You find yourself walking in step with people in school/work hallways.

25. For you, the year is divided not by weather seasons, but by
football/contest/show seasons.

26. Kneepads are your friends.

27. Puff paint and glitter are among items in your closet.

28. You have ever called your mom in tears begging her to bring pantyhose,
bobby pins, or shoe polish.

29. You wish professional football games showed the halftime performances.

30. You say "5, 6, 7, 8" instead of "Ready, set, go!"

31. You can pose for a picture in an instant.

Here is another one:
Your mom has called you up to tell you she took up the carpet in the family
room and found a thick layer of glitter under the carpet and pad.



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Photos courtesy of Curtain Call Costumes© 2007 Simone Associates
Curtain Call Costumes is the official provider for the ADTS® Staff & Jr/Sr All American® Team.
Be sure to visit their website at www.curtaincallcostumes.com