Our Weekly Message for January 22, 2003

Greetings special friends,

I hope that everyone is staying warm as the frigid blast of cold rolls across the country. This week we are off to Kansas for the annual Kansas Spectacular competition. Click here to see the schedules for the Kansas Spectacular and the Dallas Sidekicks competition at Reunion Arena.

Here are some thoughts for the day:

"Words without actions are the assassins of idealism." -- Herbert Clark Hoover

"The only competition you will ever have is the competition between your disciplined and undisciplined mind." -- James A. Ray

"There are those of us who are always about to live. We are waiting until things change, until there is more time, until we are less tired, until we get a promotion, until we settle down -- until, until, until. It always seems as if there is some major event that must occur in our lives before we begin living." -- George Sheehan

I have always been a dreamer. It seems that the more I dream, the more I am driven and the more I eventually achieve. Dreams are what fuel our imagination and motivation. Below are a few thoughts on Dreams from Jim
Rohn's weekly message. I hope that you enjoy dreaming your dreams as well.

May God bless you this week, and, as always, please keep in touch.

Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®


Dream Big Dreams

"I have had dreams and I have had nightmares, but I have conquered my nightmares because of my dreams."
-- Dr. Jonas Salk

"There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other."
-- Douglaus Everett

"I might have been born in a hovel but I determined to travel with the wind and the stars."
-- Jacqueline Cochran

"Never let your memories be greater than your dreams." -- Doug Ivester


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Photos courtesy of Curtain Call Costumes© 2007 Simone Associates
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Be sure to visit their website at www.curtaincallcostumes.com