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Our Weekly Message for October 24, 2002
Greetings special
We just returned from
California and visiting several friends in the
dance/drill team world including Linda Hall with
Happy Feet Dance Boots & Sneakers and Lesli
Blackman (ADTS Staff and formerly with
Leapin' Leotards Dancewear). It was great
seeing special friends that mean so much to our
industry. The weather was beautiful and San
Francisco was hopping with Giants fever and the
World Series.
Here are some special thoughts for the day on
overcoming negative:
"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what
people say you cannot do." -- Walter Bagehot
"As long as you think the problem is out there,
that very thought is the problem." -- Stephen
"Hatred is the most destructive force on earth. It
does the most damage to those who harbor it." --
Nido Qubein
"You are positive, creative and happy to the
degree to which you eliminate negative emotions
from your life." -- Brian Tracy
As we were flying back on the plane yesterday, my
thoughts and prayers were with the law enforcement
officers in Maryland and Virginia searching for
the vicious snipers, that God would lead the
snipers into a snare. My prayers, along with the
rest of our country, were with the families of the
fallen citizens and the many families living in
fear of going about their every day lives. Thanks
to so many prayers, it appears that these terrible
murderers have been captured. I ran across a
special passage from Jim Rohn that spoke about
'personal responsibility' and felt that it was
pertinent to reread today (below).
Have a wonderful week, and, as always, please keep
in touch.
Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill
by Jim Rohn
Don't become a victim of
yourself. Forget about the thief waiting in the alley;
what about the thief in your mind?
It is not what happens that determines the major part of
your future. What happens, happens to us all. It is what
you do about what happens that counts.
You say, "The country is messed up." That's like cursing
the soil and the seed and the sunshine and the rain,
which is all you've got. Don't curse all you've got.
When you get your own planet, you can rearrange this
whole deal. This one you've got to take like it comes.
Walk away from the 97% crowd. Don't use their excuses.
Take charge of your own life.
Take advice, but not orders. Only give yourself orders.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "Since I will be no one's
slave, I will be no one's master."
You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change
the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can
change yourself. That is something you have charge of.
You don't have charge of the constellations, but you do
have charge of whether you read, develop new skills, and
take new classes.
Your paycheck is not your employer's responsibility,
it's your responsibility. Your employer has no control
over your value, but you do.
Reproduced with permission from the Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine.Subscribe
at: www.jimrohn.com or send an E-mail with JOIN inthe
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