Our Weekly Message for April 24, 2002


As everyone is very busy this time of year, so are we! Camps are filling quickly as teams are completing their tryouts and thinking about summer camps. We are even getting calls on 2003 contests. Make sure to check our web site for the 2003 contest dates and locations. You can still resource the results pages to see who were the winners this past season. 

Here are some thoughts for the day:
"Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either." Golda Meir

"Self-expression must pas into communication for its fulfillment."  Pearl S. Buck

"God does not ask your ability or your inability. He asks only your availability." Mary Kay Ash

We just found out that the 2003 Dance/Drill Team Directors of American National Convention will be April 23-26th at the Austin Convention Center and Sheraton Hotel in Austin, Texas. Find out more about this great association for dance educators and directors at their web site www.dtda.org. Next weekend will be their Regional Convention in Chicago. Don't miss the chance to enrich yourself and see a host of vendors with unlimited resources for dance/drill team products and services.

Below is a great list of proverbs about true, abundant living from Fr. Brian Cavanaugh that deliver a powerful message. I hope that they strike a cord with you as they did for me today.

Have a great week, and, as always, please keep in touch!

Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®


by Fr. Brian Cavanaugh, TOR

In life we are to encourage and build up each other;
not to discourage and tear down one another.

In life we are to add, not subtract;
to multiply, not divide.

In life we are to leave an enduring impression;
not a careless dent.

In life we are to smooth out the rough roads along the
journey; not create new potholes.

In life we are to sing a joyful song;
not just drone a groan.

In life we are to add our harmonious strains to life's symphony;
not strain the symphony with clatter and clang.

In life we are to soar on eagles' wings;
not to peck and cluck with our beaks in the dirt like chickens.

In life we are to radiate light into unseen places;
not permit unknown fears to dim our radiance.

In life we are to leap in faith;
not to limp with doubt.

In life we are to give freely of our time, our love, our resources;
not to cling on to them greedily.

In life we are to lift up others;
not push them down.

In life we are to open our hands to those in need;
not to clutch our hands in fists of distrust.

In life we are to lend a helping hand to make loads lighter;
not use heavy hands to hold others back.

In life we are to be messengers of peace, signs of joy;
not Chicken Little portents of gloom-n-doom.

In life we are to enjoy, to savor, to remember, to reflect;
not to overlook, to forget, to ignore, to reject.

In life we are to seek conscious awareness;
not doze in the doldrums of half-awake.

In life we are to dare mighty things;
not to fear things gravely.

In life we are to show up, stand up, step forward
and speak up; not to cringe in fear, choosing to
sit down, to step back, allowing the voices of silence
to speak so loudly.

In life we are to exercise proper stewardship of earth's
resources; not pillage the heritage of future generations.

In life we are to move forward through forgiveness;
not grind to a halt mired in bitterness and resentment.

In life we are to be wacky, weird, and wonderful
in our own unique God-given way; not to be staid-n-proper
lemmings, stuck on life's treadmill.

In life we are to reach, to stretch, and to soar;
not to slink in fear, held back by mistrust and doubt.

In life we are to realize: "I am a remarkable Somebody!";
not listen to other's jabs: "You're a Nobody, an Everybody, an Anybody."

In life we are to comprehend, "I am worthwhile";
not tremble with feelings of worthlessness.

In life we are to create, to laugh, and to live life nobly;
not to despair, to moan, or to live life less.


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Photos courtesy of Curtain Call Costumes© 2007 Simone Associates
Curtain Call Costumes is the official provider for the ADTS® Staff & Jr/Sr All American® Team.
Be sure to visit their website at www.curtaincallcostumes.com