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Our Weekly Message for December 19, 2001
Season's Greetings to you
Most of your are finishing
up final exams this week in anticipation for the long awaited Christmas
break. This will be the last weekly message of 2001 and we will be
entering a new year with 2002 and lots of excitement ahead. I hope that it
will be in your plans to attend one of our contests, dance workshops or
summer camps. We have finalized most of the 2002
Camp Dates. Just a few more to go.
Here are a few thoughts for today on happiness:
"Happiness is not an accident. Nor is it something you wish for.
Happiness is something you design." -- Jim Rohn
"The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what
interests you and that you can do well, and put your whole soul into it -
every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have." --
John D. Rockefeller, III
"Did you ever see an unhappy horse? Did you ever see a bird that had
the blues? One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is because they
are not trying to impress other birds and horses." -- Dale Carnegie
"Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and
happiness than any other." -- Brian Tracy
As we approach this Christmas Season, we have so much to be grateful for
yet so much to be aware of. I hope that the 25 Ways Christmas is Different
below will help you and your family take time to reflect on so many things
for which we need to be thankful.
I pray that you have a
safe and happy holidays and I look forward to seeing you and talking to
you in the new year, and as always, please keep in touch.
Happy Holidays!
Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill
25 ways we're different
this Christmas
Last Christmas we were thinking about all the things we didn't have; this
Christmas we are thinking about all the things we do have.
2. Last Christmas we were placing wreaths on the doors of our homes; this
Christmas we are placing wreaths on the graves of our heroes.
3. Last Christmas we were letting our Sons play with toy guns; this
Christmas we are teaching them that guns are not toys.
4. Last Christmas we were counting our money; this Christmas we are
counting our blessings.
5. Last Christmas we paid lip service to the real meaning of the holidays;
this Christmas we are paying homage to it.
6. Last Christmas we were lighting candles to decorate; this Christmas we
are lighting candles to commemorate.
7. Last Christmas we were digging deep into our bank accounts to find
money to fly home for the holidays; this Christmas we are digging deep
into our souls to find courage to do so.
8. Last Christmas we were trying not to let annoying relatives get the
best of us; this Christmas we are trying to give the best of ourselves to
9. Last Christmas we thought it was enough to celebrate the holidays; this
Christmas we know we must also find ways to consecrate them.
10. Last Christmas we thought a man who could rush down a football field
was a hero; this Christmas we know a man who rushes into a burning
building is the real one.
11. Last Christmas we were thinking about the madness of the holidays;
this Christmas we are thinking about the meaning of them.
12. Last Christmas we were getting on one another's nerves; this Christmas
we are getting on our knees.
13. Last Christmas we were giving thanks for gifts from stores; this
Christmas we are giving thanks for gifts from God.
14. Last Christmas we were wondering how to give our children all the
things that money can buy- the hottest toys the latest fashions, the
newest gadgets; this Christmas we are wondering how to give them all the
things it can't-a sense of security, safety, peace.
15. Last Christmas we were thinking about all the pressure we are under at
the office; this Christmas we are thinking about the people that no longer
have an office to go to.
16. Last Christmas we were singing carols; this Christmas we are singing
17. Last Christmas we were thinking how good it would feel to be affluent;
this Christmas we are thinking how good it feels to be alive.
18. Last Christmas we thought angels were in heaven; this Christmas we
know some are right here on earth.
19. Last Christmas we were contemplating all the changes we wanted to make
in the New Year; this Christmas we are contemplating all the changes we
will have to make in this new reality.
20. Last Christmas we believed in the power of the pocketbook; this
Christmas we believe in the power of prayer.
21. Last Christmas we were sharing/spreading/listening to gossip;this
Christmas we are sharing/spreading/listening to the gospel.
22. Last Christmas we were complaining about how much of our earnings went
to pay taxes; this Christmas we comprehend that freedom isn't free.
23. Last Christmas we valued things that were costly; this Christmas we
value things that are holy.
24. Last Christmas the people we idolized wore football, basketball, and
baseball uniforms; this Christmas the people we idolize wear police,
firefighter, and military uniforms.
25. Last Christmas "peace on earth" is something we prayed for
on Sunday mornings; now it is something we pray for every day.
There is one thing we must always keep in mind, "FREEDOM IS NOT
This Christmas please remember those who lost their lives Sept.11 and pray
for their
families. And also remember and pray for our troops fighting to keep our