Our Weekly Message for November 21, 2001

Happy Thanksgiving!

Many of you are already on the road to see relatives and celebrate this great occasion to give thanks for our many blessings. May you have a safe and enjoyable time with family.

Here are a few quotes for the day about you and your uniqueness from Jim Rohn's EZ-line newsletter:


"There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself." -- Anthony Rapp


"You are nature's greatest miracle. There never has been and never will be anyone just like you." -- Brian Tracy


"You were born rich with 18 billion bountiful, beautiful, totally available and in all probability under-used brain cells awaiting your desire, decision and directional compass to take you onward, upward, goodward and Godward." -- Mark Victor Hansen

Now is the time to pick contest music. Don't forget to resource CASS MOORE for your digital recording. You can contact Cass at cmoore48@juno.com or by phone at 817/910-1233. 

If you need assistance with contest choreography, how about one of our Custom One Day Dance Workshops that range from $25 to $35 per person. Contact the American Dance/Drill Team office at DanceADTS@aol.com or 800/462-5719. We can send one or two instructors to do two custom choreographed contest routines of your choice.

Congratulations to the three new inductees for the Texas Dance/Drill Team Hall of Fame:Beverly Skipper (Showtime Int.), Donna Haas (Marching Aux.), Dr. Joan Hayes (Southwest Texas State Univ.). They will be inducted at the January convention of TDDTEA.

Below is a passage on sticking to a project, "Stickability." Have a wonderful holiday and as always, please keep in touch!

Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®


by Charlie "T" Jones

Stick by it, die by it, never give up. We need to burn the word "stickability" into our hearts. There is a plague sweeping the world, it is now reaching epidemic proportions. It's better known as the Quitters Disease. Everywhere I go I hear the phrase, in many different tones I QUIT - I QUIT - I QUIT. I expect to be greeted by some overwhelming, happy associate each time I return to the office with a great big -I QUIT. The problem with most people is that they don't realize what the problem is.

I remember how I always wanted to quit. In fact, that's why I worked so hard to become successful so that I wouldn't have to go through that agonizing wanting to quit all the time. Then, finally, I became a success, and to my surprise, I wanted to quit anyway.

I then learned that the human being hits psychological lows two or three times a year, and wants to quit for no reason at all. Of course, the real problem was in wanting to quit, because the more I would want to quit, the more I would want to quit, and the more I would want to quit, the more I was afraid I was going to quit, and I didn't want to quit, I just wanted to want to quit.

Finally, one day I discovered the difference between quitting and wanting to quit. I then decided I would never quit, and now I enjoy quitting all the time, because I know I'm not going to QUIT. Sometimes someone will ask, "You mean you can't ever quit?" That's right, you can die, retire or get fired, but that's it. Of course, there are exceptions and you are going to think you're it every time you want to quit and if you sell out that easily, you'll never get to pay the first price of leadership.

I think you'll agree that more is to be gained by stickability, than chasing better deals, and most of the time our attitudes at the time of our quitting is setting the stage for almost certain failure in whatever we run to.

Charles "T" Jones

Charlie 'Tremendous' Jones, in addition to breaking many sales records in the insurance industry throughout his career, is the founder and CEO of Executive Books. He is also author of the best-selling book "Life is Tremendous" and four separate editions of "The Books You Read". To purchase these books and receive 20% off or to receive more information on Mr. Jones go to http://www.yoursuccessstore.com


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Model photos from the 2000-2001, 2001-2002 Curtain Call Costumes Performance Catalog.
Curtain Call Costumes is the official provider for the ADTS® Staff & Jr/Sr All American® Team.
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