Our Weekly Message for October 31, 2001

Happy Halloween!

Tonight you will all have a full moon (first time on Halloween in 46 years!) to light your way for trick or treat. 

Here are a couple of thoughts for the day....
"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek." -- Mario Andretti
"Don't wish it was easier; wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems; wish for more skills.  Don't wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom." -- Jim Rohn
There are several great magazines available for dance teachers, dance students and drill teamers. They feature articles that will be helpful to you on a day to day basis. You can get an idea of their resources through their web sites:
Dance Teacher Magazine
Dance Spirit Magazine
In Motion Magazine

With Fall arriving around the country and the leaves are turning bright colors, it is a sign of change. Jim Rohn has some great pointers on "Change Begins With Choice" in his article below.

May you have a wonderful week ahead and, as always, please keep in touch!

Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®


Change Begins With Choice
by Jim Rohn

Any day we wish; we can discipline ourselves to change it all.  Any day we wish; we can open the book that will open our mind to new knowledge. Any day we wish; we can start a new activity. Any day we wish; we can start the process of life change. We can do it immediately, or next week, or next month, or next year.

We can also do nothing. We can pretend rather than perform. And if the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are. We can choose rest over labor, entertainment over education, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence. The choices are ours to make. But while we curse the effect, we continue to nourish the cause. As Shakespeare uniquely observed, "The fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves." We created our circumstances by our past choices. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today. Those who are in search of the good life do not need more answers or more time to think things over to reach better conclusions. They need the truth. They need the whole truth. And they need nothing but the truth.

We cannot allow our errors in judgment, repeated every day, to lead us down the wrong path. We must keep coming back to those basics that make the biggest difference in how our life works out. And then we must make the very choices that will bring life, happiness and joy into our daily lives.

And if I may be so bold to offer my last piece of advice for someone seeking and needing to make changes in their life - If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree. You have the ability to totally transform every area in your life - and it all begins with your very own power of choice.


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Model photos from the 2000-2001, 2001-2002 Curtain Call Costumes Performance Catalog.
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