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Our Weekly Message for October 10, 2001
Dear Friends,
I hope that this message
finds you well. It has been an exciting week with the National's
Invitations going out this week as well as confirming the Kilgore
College Rangerettes to perform at our Galveston Island
Dance Festival March 2-3, 2002.
Here is a thought for the day from "Thoughts on Leadership" :
To face tomorrow with the thought of using the methods of yesterday is to
envision life as a standstill. Each one of us, no matter what our task,
must search for new and better methods – for even that which we now do
well must be done better tomorrow.
James F. Bell
Here is some special news about our South Padre Island Dance Festival
February 16th. The bridge connecting Port Isabel and South Padre Island is
in the process of being repaired and has a finish date of December 23,
2001, in plenty of time for our event. Please continue to pray and support
the great people of South Padre Island whose businesses and lives have
been greatly effected. We are looking forward to another successful event
a the South Padre Island Convention Center.
Below are more passages from "Thoughts on Leadership." May
you have a wonderful week and, as always, please keep in touch.
Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill
These two passages below made
me think about the great leadership from our President during this
terrible time of crisis:
"The men who succeed best in public life are those who take the risk
of standing by their own convictions."
James A. Garfield
"A leader of men must make decisions quickly, be independent; act and
stand firm; be a fighter; speak openly, plainly, frankly; make defeats his
lessons; cooperate; coordinate; use the best of any alliances or allies;
walk with active faith courageously toward danger or the unknown; create a
staff; know, love and represent the best interests of his followers; be
loyal, true, frank and faithful; reward loyalty; have a high, intelligent,
and worthy purpose and ideal. Do justice; love mercy; fear no man but fear
only God."
John W. Dodge
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