Our Summer Message for June 30, 2001

Dear Friends,

Hope that your summer is going well. We have seen many of you at camp and will see more as the summer goes along. Hope you are enjoying rest as well as successful camps with your teams.

Here are some thoughts for the day from Jim Rohn . . .
"Life was not designed to give us what we need, but what we deserve." 

"Only those who KNOCK deserve to find an open door." 

Some sad news from "down under" in Australia....after a short illness, Ken Richards, with Dance/Drill Team Australia has passed away. I spoke with his wife, Jean, yesterday and he went peacefully in his sleep. I know that many of you had the chance to see the Australia Dance/Drill Team at our nationals/internationals in the past few years. Here is their E-mail address for condolences: addt@senet.com.au

Below are the "Ten Common Sense Rules for Human Relations." It is something we can all learn from. Hope you are having a great summer. If you are interested in contests for 2002, now is the time to plan for next season. Visit our contest page for dates and locations!

Continue having a great summer and as always, please keep in touch!

Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®

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Ten Common Sense Rules of Human Relations

* Speak to people. There's nothing as nice as a cheerful greeting.

* Smile at people. It takes 112 muscles to frown and only 13 to smile.

* Call people by their name. The sweetest music to the ears is one's own name.

* Be friendly and helpful. Radiate friendship and it will be returned tenfold.

* Be cordial. Speak and act as if everything you did were a pleasure.

* Be genuinely interested in people.

* Be generous with praise, cautious with criticism.

* Be considerate with the feeling of others; it will be appreciated.

* Be thoughtful of others opinions. There are three sides to every controversy - yours, the others - and the right one.

* Be alert to give service. What counts a great deal in life if what we do for others. - Dale Carnegie


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Copyright © 2001-2002

Model photos from the 2000-2001, 2001-2002 Curtain Call Costumes Performance Catalog.
Curtain Call Costumes is the official provider for the ADTS® Staff & Jr/Sr All American® Team.
Be sure to visit their website at www.curtaincallcostumes.com