We had a wonderful time at contests this past weekend
especially a successful
event in New Orleans including a victory party at Mishoff's for the
participants! Success for all that attended Mid America in Des Moines, Iowa,
and the Sr Dallas Mavericks. Look for the results of these events posted
later this week at our web site. Tomorrow we are off in three directions
again with South Padre Island (over 60 teams!), Texas Dance Classic in
Rowlett (Texas), and Gussie Nell Davis Classic in Kilgore, Texas,
benefiting Rangerette scholarships. Take a look at the contest schedules for this
weekend at our web site.
Here is a thought for the day:
"Keeping a commitment or a promise is a major deposit into the Emotional Bank
Account; breaking one is a major withdrawal." Stephen R. Covey
We are elated that Curtain Call Costumes has a new web site! Make sure to
visit them with your contest and recital needs.
Curtain Call Costumes You will be the best dressed team at the event!!
Those of you interested in traveling to Australia this coming July for the
International Championships, write to
me. I will have compiled information on
travel packages this week. Speaking of international, don't forget the
American Dance/Drill Team National/International Competition in Denton,
Texas, March 30-31, 2001. We are excited to have the South African team
attending this year.
Below are some additional thoughts for the week about strength and courage. I
hope that you enjoy them and as always, please keep in touch.
Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®

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reading in The Line Online
Weekly Messages