started the new year with a bang at the Texas
Dance/Drill Team Educators convention with over 300
directors and over 100 exhibiter friends. Congratulations to Mike Miller
for receiving Hall of Fame honors this year. Also congratulations to Kay
Gabrysch for Achievement Award and to Patty Otwell for Director of the
Year. These are great honors, indeed!
is a thought of the day from the book, "Daily Reflections for Highly
Effective People" written by Stephen R. Covey:
"At the very heart of our Circle of Influence is our ability to make
and keep commitments and promises. The commitments we make to ourselves,
to others, and our integrity to those commitments, is the essence and
clearest manifestation of our proactivity."
were delighted to meet Cary Wiggle from Capetown, South Africa. She was in
the U.S. visiting her brother and met us at the TDDTEA convention. Cary is
planning to bring her team to the American
National Championships in Denton, Texas, March 30-31, 2001.
We cannot wait to see her outstanding team! Speaking of international, we
can't wait until July, 2001, for the International Championships in
Adelaide, South Australia. If you are interested in taking your team to
this incredible event, please write us for more information.
week kicks off our 2001 contest season with Dancin' on the High Seas
competition on Carnival's Fantasy Cruise Ship as well as the Junior
Mavericks Competition at Reunion Arena in Dallas. Saturday, January 13th,
we have a great one day dance workshop at Duncanville High School where we
will have our state kick off for Miss Texas High Kick and Dance/Drill
Team Directors of America presents director workshops as
well. For more information, write to me.
all seem to be in a whirlwind starting into contest season. With life so
fast and frantic, I decided to send you some one liners to use below. Hope
they will help you out of your next "pickle." Have a great week
and as always, please keep in touch.
Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill

us about articles or subjects you would be interested
in reading in The Line Online
Weekly Messages