Our Weekly Letter

Previous Weekly Letters

Hello there everyone!
We have survived another week of intense heat. I am not sure if we have been placed in an oven to cook until well done or receive the relief of much needed rain. I hope it is cool where you are.
As promised, here are some more "Jots from Joyce" that hopefully will assist you in making your year more successful. 
Soria Leslie from Kipp Academy wrote to me this idea: "We try hard to 
accommodate with the limited funding, we have come up with a way to have 
homecoming a little special. A parent made beautiful homecoming mums as a 
special way to celebrate homecoming and so the girls are suppose to add a special charm on the mum before passing it onto the next dancer for the following year. It is really neat to see the different charm they add on to the mums. It is just a simple idea that touches the hearts of such young dancers." 
Kin Garrett, the new director for the Medina Valley HS TopCats sent me these special traditions for her team: 
1. Since we have a high population of retired military in the area, we will be putting on an old fashioned USO Show. The ladies will also include other spirit organizations from the campus. Some will sing, perform monologues, perform comedy acts, and of course, dance.
2. The officers and top ranking Senior line members have "adopted" coaches. 
Each week, they will bring "surprises" for me to deliver on game day, after pep rallies. The best part is that the coaches will not know who their "TopCat" is until the last regular season game. A clue will be given with their gifts.
Allison Smiga, director of Richardson HS Eaglettes writes: "The Eaglettes are getting ready to take part in a very worthy cause and one that is very dear to our hearts. Last year I had to mothers of my drill team girls pass away due to breast cancer. This year we feel that it is our turn to give something back to the community and to women. The Richardson Eaglettes are running as a team and a school in the Susan G. Komen "Race for the Cure" and it would be great if you could pass it along to other schools. Maybe they would want to take part in such a wonderful cause that affects millions of women each year. We as an organization feel that we are always asking others for donations and to help in fundraising and we cannot think of a better way to give something back. The "Race for the Cure" comes to lots of cities and is open to any woman. They have a 1 mile fun run/walk or a 3.1 mile run. Please pass this along and maybe other teams can get involved. " 
Dianne Everett, director of Shepton HS Stallionettes writes about a successful fundraiser in an annual golf tournament where they raise over $17,000. 
"The Stallionette Booster Club organizes the golf Tournament which is held at Tour 18 in October. The weather is usually beautiful that time of the year. We clear around $17,000 after expenses. Along with the tournament we have a few silent auction items and a raffle for prizes. Each drill team family is responsible for obtaining an auction item or a raffle item of at least $100.00 in value. Businesses in the community are usually happy to assist with these items."
Below is a special wish to each of you. Hope you have a great week, visit our web site and make sure to keep in touch.
Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®

I wish you.....
Happiness......Deep down within
Serenity..... With each sunrise
Success..... In each facet of your life
Close and caring friends
Love.....That never ends
Knowledge . . . of the grace and love of God.
Special memories...... Of all the yesterdays
A bright today..... With much to be thankful for
A path..... That leads to beautiful tomorrows
Dreams..... That do their best to come true
And appreciation...... Of all the wonderful things about you!


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Copyright © 2001-2002

Model photos from the 2000-2001, 2001-2002 Curtain Call Costumes Performance Catalog.
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