Our Weekly Letter

Previous Weekly Letters

Hello there

Sorry for the delay of the weekly message.  We are just finding our senses after the most incredible National Championship in our history!  I hope that you will view the winners at Contest Results.  The teams brought extraordinary talent!  The awards ceremony was amazing with the Dallas Mavericks Dancers, Dallas Power House Staff as well as the Sons of Harmony singing the national anthem and a special mini concert!

We are looking ahead to the DTDA Midwest convention next week in Minneapolis as well as the National DTDA convention in Austin at the end of the month.  I want to remind anyone that has a dance/drill team opening or anyone in search of a new position to post your information at the DTDA Job Fair web site as we have had lots of action in the past few weeks.

If you are planning for a private camp or regular camp, you can find more information on summer camps as well as an online Private Camp Bid Request Form at our web site:
ADTS Web Forms Page

A funny passage for those of us in Texas that know the meaning of TAAS TEST (ha ha ) as well as all of us to find new meaning on ASAP (below).  May you have a wonderful restful weekend and we hope that you will always strive to keep in touch!

Joyce E. Pennington, Pres. CEO
American Dance/Drill Team

Subject: FW: New TAAS Guidelines

 The Texas Education Agency is looking for a more accurate administration of the TAAS test.  There are many areas that need improvement.  Due to recent findings in statewide survey results regarding TAAS  administration, new guidelines are being implemented.

  1)  All jewelry must be removed.  Many digital watches  now have calculator capabilities and could be used on  the mathematics test.  Wall clocks should have the  numbers removed or masked.

 2)  Recent studies have shown that certain colors may  alter individuals' ability to concentrate over long  periods of time.  Therefore, it is strongly suggested  that all posters, wall decorations, etc., be removed from classroom walls.  Test rooms should be painted a  non-threatening bland tan color.  A listing of acceptable colors is available from TEA.

  3)  All pencils should be sanded clean of letters and  numbers.  All desks used for testing should be clean  of graffiti.

  4)  Due to the recent fad of hair sculpting with words  imprinted on students' scalps, a masking technique is  being devised.  Currently, TEA favors the rule that  all students be required to wear white or black rubber swimmers caps.

5)  The preponderance of student clothing exhibiting  mottos, logos, and fully-written statements has placed  some parts of the reading portions validity in question.  As a result,  testing has been  authorized to wear only a hospital gown.  Students and test administrators will be  required to remove all clothing during the testing  sessions and wear only a hospital gown.

6)  Any student who talks, sneezes, coughs, breaks wind, belches, snarls, hoots, drools, or arrives with a hickey, will be removed from the testing area and  sent to Austin to work for TEA making at least $50,000  a year.

 In summation, students and test administrators will be have nothing except for a hospital gown, swimmers caps and sanded #2 pencils. Your cooperation is appreciated.

What a wonderful new meaning for ASAP. . .

"Always Say A Prayer" by Lisa Englehardt

There's work to do, deadlines to meet, you've got no time to spare, but as you hurry and scurry, always say a prayer.

In the midst of family chaos, "quality time" is rare. Do your best; let God do the rest:  always say a prayer.
It may seem like your worries are more than you can bear. Slow down and take a breather - always say a prayer.

God knows how stressful life is; He wants to ease our cares, and He'll respond a.s.a.p. - Always Say A Prayer
Text © Abbey Press, St. Meinrad, IN. 47577 



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Photos courtesy of Curtain Call Costumes© 2007 Simone Associates
Curtain Call Costumes is the official provider for the ADTS® Staff & Jr/Sr All American® Team.
Be sure to visit their website at www.curtaincallcostumes.com