Thanksgiving Greetings to everyone!
I hope that you are planning a wonderful gathering with your families and that you are blessed and safe in your travels. Here is a thought for today from Jim Rohn:
"The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them."
Many of the outstanding performers out there will want to take advantage of two special performance opportunities for televised events:
Deadlines for these two special events are coming up soon so take time to
visit our web site and download the information.
This special week gives us an opportunity to be thankful for many people and many things. I am thankful that I have a wonderful, supportive husband that 20 years ago gave up his career to support my passion . . . dance/drill team. I am thankful to have two wonderful sons that care enough about our business to want to be an important part. I am thankful for a beautiful granddaughter that seems to love dance as much as her MiMi. I am thankful to have many wonderful friends in this special industry of dance/drill team, that feel more like family than mere friends. Thanks be to all of you. I have included a passage of thanks below that focuses us to give thanks for things we might find surprising.
Have a wonderful holidays and as always, please keep in touch!
Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®

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