The topic of the day has been the history making presidential election here in our country. Continue to pray for our new leadership, whomever that might be.
Take a few moments for yourself. Whether you do yoga, meditation, prayer or just taking a few minutes for relaxing thoughts, make sure that you take 5-10 minutes each day for this all important quiet time that will certainly lower your stress. I thought that I would not have the time in my busy schedule, but I am learning to make the time.
I have added several new articles to our web site both on the
Educational Support Page and
The Line
Online. Make sure to visit today if you have not visited lately:
Here are a few more helpful hints for you and your team from Jots from
JJ #57-- When you have your line tryouts, check with one of your local pep supplies and purchase large, plain plastic nametags that numbers can be written on with a Sharpie pen. Have candidates wear these nametags each day so that you and officers will learn their names. If you use numbers at tryouts instead of names, you can order plain plastic 4" circle nametags that you can make 'permanent' numbers to distribute and take up after tryouts. They will be seen easier and stay attached easier than paper ones.
JJ # 58--Effective discipline is difficult these days with the constant challenge of rules & regulations. Try a "peer court" where a panel of drill team members, supervised by a school administrator, decides the fate of the member that has violated a drill team rule.
Punishment could range from a public apology to the team, clean out and inventory prop room, to sitting in study hall for a week. (Make sure to have this approved through your school administration.)
Attention soloists! If you do not have a Miss Dance/Drill Team USA
preliminary competition in your state, you could represent your state in the
2001 Miss Dance/Drill Team USA Pageant. Just make a video tape of your 2
minute routine and send in. You could be selected to represent your state in
Miss Dance/Drill Team USA in Los Angeles, April 20-21, 2001. For more
information, e-mail them at:
Forgiveness is a great virtue that can certainly relieve stress. Find out more about forgiveness in the passage below.
Have a great week and, as always, please stay in touch!
Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®

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