American Dance/Drill Team Staff
The American Dance/Drill Team® Staff consists of dance/drill team professionals that have completed at least one year of college and have chosen this as a career and not a part time job. Each member of our staff becomes personally involved with the success of your team. Just as your feel a pride of accomplishment when your team shines, so do we. There are over 100 dance educators that serve as Instructional Dance Staff, Marching Staff, Judges, Adjudicators and Administrators at our year ’round events.
Today, Joyce and C.R. Pennington (owners) along with sons, Doug Pennington (Vice President of Sound & Operations), Brad Pennington (Vice President of Sales & Operations) and Brittany Pennington-Dolotina (CEO & Vice President of Curriculum) continue this strong tradition of excellence. Administrators including Barbara Schoepf (Accounts Manager) and Lucinda Alexander (Director of Personnel) and a staff of over 150 dance educators contribute their expertise to offer a positive experience to all who attend our many events.

Do you have the qualities and skills to become a member of the American Dance/Drill Team® Dance or Adjudication Staff?.
You can now begin the process online!
About Us
Joyce Eaton Pennington is the President, CEO Emeritus and owner of American Dance/Drill Teaml® (established in 1958 by Miss Gussie Nell Davis and Dr. Irving Dreibrodt) located in Salado, Texas. Joyce and her husband, C.R., purchased majority stock of the company in 1984. She holds a degree in physical education and dance from the University of North Texas and was a high school director for 10 years.
Joyce has served as guest professor and speaker at Stephen F. Austin University, Texas A&M University, Texas State University and University of North Texas (her alma mater) in their physical education and dance departments. She was the originator of the NBA Dallas Mavericks Dancers in 1989-90 and served as their director for five years.

In 1995, Joyce was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Texas Dance/Educators Association. In 1999, for the 60th Anniversary of the Kilgore Rangerettes, she was named as Honorary Lifetime Member of Rangerettes Forever. In January 2000, Joyce was inducted into the Texas Drill Team Hall of Fame by Texas Dance Educators Association. She was also awarded the first Distinguished Service Award by TDEA in 2008. In 2013, she served on the national advisory board for the National Dance Foundation for seven years. In 2014, the World Famous Kilgore College Rangerettes honored her by dedicating their show, Revels, to Joyce Pennington, for her dedication and support of the Rangerette organization through scholarships, the Gussie Nell Davis Dance Classic, and Revelations dance intensives. In 2019, Joyce was inducted into the National Dance Coaches Association Hall of Fame.
On November 17, 2022, C.R. Pennington went to his heavenly home. He chose to support Joyce’s love for dance/drill team and served as Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the company. Mr. Pennington was honored by the Kilgore Rangerettes as an Honorary Rangerette Forever for his support of the Rangerettes and providing over $250,000.00 in Rangerette Scholarships. He was also presented the Distinguished Service Award from the Texas Dance Educators Association. C.R.’s memory will always be a part of American Dance/Drill Team.
The Pennington family continues the legacy with American Dance: Sons, Brad Pennington (VP of Sales & Operations) and Doug Pennington (VP of Sound & Operations), along with granddaughter, Brittany Pennington Dolotina. Brittany is Vice President and Director of Curriculum. Brittany’s husband, Jordan, is a band director and works ADTS competitions. They have two children, Jackson and Mackenzie. Brad Pennington and Doug Pennington work at all the American events. Doug and Gina have two children, Kylee (who works part time in the office) and Coleman. Brad and Tracy (dance team director and ADTS contest judge), and Brad is Brittany’s dad.