We are proud to provide this section as a support center for director and coaches. This section will be updated on a
regular basis and will offer helpful articles on various
areas of dance and dance/drill team.
There are now printable versions of each article.
Please feel free to make
duplications as long as proper credit is given.

Dance Curriculum Units
8 Bundles Available in various genres of dance
Technique Resource Curriculum
6-8 weeks of curriculum that can help you with lesson plans
Gussie Nell Davis Articles
Audio Interview of Miss Davis from Baylor U. historical dept. in 1993 *There are 2 different interviews on the link

Dr. Irving D. Dreibrodt

In 1958, Dr. Dreibrodt collaborated with Miss Gussie Nell Davis, to start the first
dance/drill team camp at SMU.
Dr. Irving D. Dreibrodt, co-founder of
American Dance/Drill Team®,
and former band director at Southern
Meothodist University, wrote his master’s thesis on pep squads and drill teams in 1951 while in grad school at the University of Texas.
Link to his thesis to resource a piece of history in our Precision Dance industry.