Our Weekly Message for March 6, 2002

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone survived the cold snap that blew through this past weekend. Fortunately, we narrowly escaped horrid weather and was able to pull off our contests in Ponca City, Oklahoma, Dallas and Galveston. We had great events and you will have to check out the results at along with schedules for this weekend's events in San Antonio and Lake Charles. The Kilgore Rangerettes and the SFA Pom Squad did fantastic performances at our Galveston contest. If you would like to order a video of these or other contest performances, contact JRS 
Productions at 800/256-6743.

Here are some thoughts for today:

"Yesterday is a canceled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is the only cash you have – spend it wisely." Kay Lyons

"....perhaps one has to be very old before one learns how to be amused rather than shocked." Pearl S. Buck

"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood." Madame Curie

The national convention for Dance/Drill Team Directors of America is just a month away in Fort Worth, Texas. If you 
have not already registered. Make sure to do so today!

Are you looking for resources in the dance/drill team industry? Make sure to resource DanceUSA.com and DanceCheer.net for costumes, fundraisers, and much more.

Now is the time to get a bid for your Private Summer Camp. We are now booking camps and already have some weeks that are filling quickly. We presented over 100 private camps last season in addition to our team camps, officer camps and jazz camps. Utilize the online form or contact our office for more information. Remember that you choose the routines for your camp from the Visual Notes Video of 36+ routines and resource the instructional video throughout the year. Where else can you be guaranteed that you will use all the material from camp?

Tryouts are likely right around the corner for you. Below is a poem and idea for your line tryouts to make them special. Have a wonderful week, and as always, please keep in touch.

Joyce E. Pennington
President, CEO
American Dance/Drill Team®



by Joyce E. Pennington

The announcement of who makes the team is victorious for some and traumatic for others. Because each candidate is so anxious to be a part of the team, it seems a shame to send them off with nothing when they have not made the team and worked so hard during tryouts. To make the results a little more personal, make an envelope for each team member with her name or number on the outside. The candidates that make the team will find a symbol (heart for sweethearts, bell for belles, boot for drill team, etc.) made out of construction paper that they can wear to school the next day. For those that do not make it, you might include a personal letter of thanks and the following poem:

by Helene Lewis Coffer 

Lord, you have taught me to accept defeat,
To taste the bitter with the sweet,
Knowing the longest night brings hopeful dawn,
I gather up the pieces and go on.
Now, let your Spirit tell me how to treat
A child whose dreams lie broken at her feet;
How to share the hard earned wisdom with the calm,
The confidence, to be her sore heart's balm?
She's tender, Lord. Her hurts hurt more than mine.
She's young, and thinks the sun will never shine.
Just yesterday, she laughed, and walked in clover.....
Teach her tomorrow is for starting over.


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Copyright © 2001-2002

Model photos from the 2000-2001, 2001-2002 Curtain Call Costumes Performance Catalog.
Curtain Call Costumes is the official provider for the ADTS® Staff & Jr/Sr All American® Team.
Be sure to visit their website at www.curtaincallcostumes.com