by Joyce Pennington

Even though you have secured professional judges for your tryouts, always remember that the procedures may vary from school to school. They will want to know the procedures that you want followed for your tryouts. Make sure to outline your expectations and send ahead to them, if possible. Here are some basic guidelines to follow:

  Please make sure to judge in pen or pencil. Do not erase! Mark once through any changes, then initial. If you are lowering a score, ask for a new Scoresheet.

  Do not total scores. There will be a school administrator/teacher there to do this for you.

If you would like to see the student's grade level (soph, jr, etc.), teacher rec's, or grade point average, please ask the director at any time.

  Make sure to write supporting comments for any candidate that you feel does not have the potential to be a team member. Any other supportive comments are appreciated. All comments should be in good taste and should not reflect anything that might diminish self esteem nor offend any ethnic background of the individual.

  If you feel that you need to call back a candidate, please notify the director at the conclusion of that group. Call backs will be brought back after each group has performed and be placed in new groups of other 'call backs' for a final review and decision.

  Appearance comments should be kept to grooming, posture, general neatness in appearance, weight appropriate to height and conducive to good health.

  Dance Technique should be judged according to the potential talent of the individual and the possible coachability of that candidate.

  Projection should be the candidates overall showmanship, focus, energy, smile, audience appeal and confidence. This should also reflect the candidate's quick recovery and poise if a mistake is made.

  Kicks and splits should demonstrate the potential for maximum flexibility and good basic kick technique. Also make comments on toe points, posture, control, placement and extension.

  Any discussion of candidates or comments should not be made until the group has exited the gym.

  Please make sure to sign all score sheets and take any personal notes with you. Do not dispose of any notes or scratch paper at the school.

  Please fill out the mileage form with your return address prior to your departure so that re-imbursement may be sent to you.

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