by Debbie Byrd

At the beginning of each year it is a good idea to have each team member fill out an index card with the following beneficial information:

1. Name
2. Age/Grade level
3. Height and weight ( have everyone weigh on the same scales).
4. Any pre-existing injuries they might have had in the past five years.
5. Any serious illnesses within the past five years.

What if an accident happens?
1. Call for the trainer or paramedics
2. Check pulse rate
3. In case of bleeding, watch to see if it is excessive, then apply pressure to stop bleeding.
4. In case of poisoning, call the nearest doctor

Accident Reports:
At the time of a small injury during drill team practice, an injury report may not seem important, but it should be completed on any accident no matter how great or small. Following an accident in practice or rehearsal, take the time to document all the details before, during and after the accident. Make a note of any witnesses. You may draw up your own accident format, but most schools have their own. Make sure to file a copy of the report with your building principal. From these reports, you can draw the conclusions that if several students suffer from the same injury, perhaps they require additional warm-up time to prevent that type of injury.

Symptoms may not be what you really think they are. Do not try to treat students on your own. You can advise them to see the school trainer or contact their personal physician.

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